Reception Venues
Address: 1288 N. 1200th, Marshall, IL 62441
Phone: (217) 463-2600
Email: sstephens@castlefinnwinery.com
Website: www.castlefinnwinery.com
Address: 5353 Eldridge Rd., Terre Haute, IN 47802
Phone: (812) 299-5353
Email: jeanann@idlecreek.com
Website: www.idlecreek.com/weddings
Address: 200 N 7th St, HMSU 222, Terre Haute, IN 47802
Phone: (812) 237-3817
Email: ISU-Conferenceandeventservices@indstate.edu
Website: www.indstate.edu/scheduling
Address: 3 Meadows Lane
Terre Haute, IN 47803
Phone: (812) 232-5548
Address: 1 Sisters of Providence,
Saint Mary of the Woods, IN 47876
Phone: (812) 535-2946
Email: weddings@spsmw.org
Website: www.provcenter.org
Address: LeFer Hall, 1 Saint Mary of the Woods College,
Saint Mary of the Woods, IN 47876
Phone: (812) 535-4327
Email: sodexo@smwc.edu
Website: www.smwc.edu
Address: 11701 E. US Hwy 40, Marshall, IL 62441
Phone: (217) 822-1398
Email: sassafras.ridge1@gmail.com
Website: www.sassafras-ridge.com
Address: 939 Poplar St, Terre Haute, IN 47807
Phone: (812) 237-6677
Email: stablessteakhouse@gmail.com
Website: www.stablessteakhouse.com
Address: 2865 S. SR 47, Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Phone: (765) 362-5538
Email: stonecreeklodgeindiana@gmail.com
Website: www.stonecreeklodgeindiana.com
Address: 5001 East Poplar St., Terre Haute, IN 47803
Phone: (812)-878-8665
Email: Thesycamorefarmevents@gmail.com
Website: www.thesycamorefarm.com
Address: 4500 Margaret Dr., Terre Haute 47803
Phone: (812)-243-3975
Email: emily.albers@thcasinoresort.com
Website: www.terrehautecasino.com
Address: 800 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute 47807
Phone: (812)- 244-1550
Email: pamela.chamberlain@oakviewgroup.com
Website: www.terrehautecc.com

Address: 5500 Wabash Ave.
Terre Haute, IN 47803
Phone: (812) 877-8346
Email: weddings@whitechapel.com
Website: www.weddingsatwhitechapel.com